Tatyana Shaposhnikova
Tatyana Olegovna Shaposhnikova (Russian: Татьяна Олеговна Шапошникова) is a Russian mathematician, working at Linköping University, Sweden. She is best known for her work in the theory of multipliers in function spaces, partial differential operators and history of mathematics, some of which was partly done jointly with Vladimir Maz'ya. She is also a translator of both scientific and literary texts.
Academic career
T.O. Shaposhnikova graduated from Leningrad University in 1969.[1] From 1969 to 1972 she was a graduate student at the same university. In 1973 she was awarded the Kandidat Nauk degree. From 1973 to 1990 she worked in the mathematics departments of a number of technical institutes in Leningrad, first as an assistant and then as an associate professor. She lost her job twice because of her contacts with active dissidents,[2] thus having to change her employer. She immigrated in Sweden in 1990 with her family. From July 1, 1991 she works as associate professor (universitetslektor) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Linköping. She held a position of full professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Ohio State University, from 2004 to 2008.
Currently she serves as a member of the European Mathematical Society Ethics Committee[3] and as a member of the editorial boards of the journal Complex variable and Elliptic Equations and of the Eurasian Mathematical Journal.
On March 2003 Prof. Shaposhnikova and Vladimir Maz'ya were awarded the Verdaguer Prize by the French Academy of Sciences[4] for their work resulting in the first scientific biography of Jacques Hadamard.[5] On May 2010 she was awarded the Thureus prize by the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala "for her outstanding contribution to the theory of partial differential equations and in particular to the theory of multipliers in function spaces". [6]
Research activity
Prof. T. O. Shaposhnikova's research mainly belongs to the following fields.
Function spaces
From 1979 on,[7] the theory of multipliers in various spaces of differentiable functions has been the main research theme of the work of T. Shaposhnikova.[8] She found conditions for the boundedness of singular integrals and pseudodifferential operators acting between pairs of Sobolev spaces in 1995.[9] In 1989 she showed that multipliers in Bessel potential spaces are traces of multipliers belonging to a certain class of differentiable functions with a weighted mixed norm.[10] A large part of her joint work with Vladimir Maz'ya on the theory of multipliers involves their analytic characterization, trace inequalities and relations between traces and extension of multipliers, relations of Sobolev multipliers and other function spaces, maximal subalgebras of multiplier spaces, estimates of their essential norm and compactness of multipliers.[11]
Linear and non-linear PDEs
Based on her researches on the theory of multipliers, T. Shaposhnikova gave various applications of this theory to the study of solutions to second order linear and quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations and systems of such equations: this was a consequence of the fact that, in several cases, such solutions can be considered as multipliers in certain spaces of differentiable functions on a given domain (1986, 1987).[12] She described the structure of composition operators in spaces of multipliers between Sobolev spaces and gave applications of those results to semilinear elliptic systems of equations (1987).[13] She also showed that multipliers can be naturally suited to deal with the coercivity of the Neumann problem (1989).[14] Various other applications of multipliers, for example to the problem of higher regularity in single and double layer potential theory for Lipschitz domains,[15] to the problem of regularity at the boundary in the -theory of elliptic boundary value problems and to singular integral operators in Sobolev spaces are summarized in the book (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 2009).[16]
History of mathematics
Her prize winning book on Jacques Hadamard, coauthored with V. Maz'ya,[5] was published in 1998 jointly by the American Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society. An earlier work on the same subject was written by her jointly with E. Polishchuk (1990).[17] Her recent activity in this field includes the paper (Shaposhnikova 2005) telling three stories of scientists who were forced to answer a mathematical question under rather trying circumstances.[18]
Translation and editing activity
T.O. Shaposhnikova has translated and edited several mathematical monographs: it is worth to note the works by Koshelev et al. (1975) and by Mikhlin (1979), the book on Sobolev spaces by Maz'ya (1985),[19] and the books by Kresin & Maz'ya (2007) and by Maz'ya & Soloviev (2010). However, her work is not restricted only to the translation of monographs: for example she translated into Russian a play by Lars Gårding, titled "Mathematics, Life and Death",[20] published the mathematical journal Algebra i Analiz (Алгебра и анализ).
Prof. Shaposhnikova began translating fiction while still living in Russia. In the 1970s she translated into Russian "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader",[21] "The Silver Chair"[22] and the "Screwtape Letters"[23] by C. S. Lewis. These translations were impossible to publish and were distributed as samizdat: they first appeared as proper publications only in the mid 1990s, with new reprints appearing regularly.[24]
In 2005 she began translating Swedish children's books into Russian. Among them are "Kerstin and I" by Astrid Lindgren,[25] "Mechanical Santa Claus" by Sven Nordqvist[26] and two books of the "Loranga" series by Barbro Lindgren.[27]
See also
- ^ The basic information on T. Shaposhnikova's academic career are taken from her CV, available from her home page (Shaposhnikova 2008) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Linköping.
- ^ She also took part in Samizdat: see the section "Translation and editing activity" of this entry.
- ^ See the committee home page at the European Mathematical Society (2009).
- ^ See the short announcements published by the French Academy of Sciences (2009).
- ^ a b Precisely, their work was published as the book (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 1998): revised and extended translations in French and Russian languages appeared respectively in 2005 and 2008
- ^ Precisely, the motivation for awarding of the Thureus prize states :-"för hennes framstående insatser rörande partiella differentialekvationer, speciellt teorin för multiplikatorer på funktionsrum". See reference (Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala 2009)
- ^ See, for example, (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 1979).
- ^ See the motivation for the awarding of the Thureus prize in the "Honors" section of this entry
- ^ See (Shaposhnikova 1995).
- ^ See references (Shaposhnikova 1989) and (Shaposhnikova 1989a).
- ^ The research of T. Shaposhnikova as well as her joint research with V. Maz'ya is exposed in the two books (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 1985) and (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 2009).
- ^ See references (Shaposhnikova 1986), (Shaposhnikova 1987) and the short communications (Shaposhnikova 1986a) and (Shaposhnikova 1987b).
- ^ See (Shaposhnikova 1987a).
- ^ See reference (Shaposhnikova 1989b) and also the short communication (Shaposhnikova 1988).
- ^ This theory is commonly referred as "Layer potential theory".
- ^ See also their older work (Maz'ya & Shaposhnikova 1985).
- ^ See (Polishchuk & Shaposhnikova 1990).
- ^ The three scientists the paper tells a story about are Jacob Tamarkin, Igor Tamm and Gaetano Fichera.
- ^ This book is also dedicated to her by her husband: see (Maz'ya 1985, p. V).
- ^ The whole play consists of the three papers (Gårding 2000), (Gårding 2001) and (Gårding 2009).
- ^ See (Lewis 1991).
- ^ See (Lewis 1991a).
- ^ See (Lewis 1991b).
- ^ For example, the book (Lewis 1991b) was translated into Russian in 1975 but was published only in 1991.
- ^ See (Lindgren 2008).
- ^ See (Nordqvist 2009).
- ^ See (Lindgren 2009).
- European Mathematical Society (2011), Ethics Committee, http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/comm_ethics.html, retrieved May 8, 2011 . Home page of the ethics committee of the European Mathematical Society, including a list of the present members.
- French Academy of Sciences (2009) (in French), Prix Verdaguer, http://www.academie-sciences.fr/activite/prix/laureat_verdaguer09.pdf, retrieved May 8, 2011 . A list of the winners of the Verdaguer Prize in PDF format, including short motivations for the awarding.
- Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala (2009) (in Swedish), Prizes, http://www.vetenskapssocietetenuppsala.se/priser/, retrieved May 8, 2011 . A description and a brief history of the prizes awarded by the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala, with a lists of recent winners and a brief description of the motivation for the awarding.
- Koshelev, A. I.; Krasnosel'skij, M. A.; Mikhlin, S. G.; Rakovshchik, L. S.; Stet'senko, V. Ya.; Zabrejko, P. P. (1975), Integral equations. A reference text, Monographs and Texts on Pure and Applied Matheamtics, Leyden, The Netherlands: Noordhoff International Publishing, pp. XIX+443, ISBN 902860393X, Zbl 0293.45001 .
- Gårding, Lars (2000), "A philosophical dialog. Mathematics, life, and death" (in Russian), Algebra i Analiz 12 (5): 215–224, MR1812949, Zbl 1076.00502, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/aa/v12/i5/p215 .
- Gårding, Lars (2001), "A philosophical dialog. Mathematics, life, and death" (in Russian), Algebra i Analiz 13 (3): 229–239, MR1850196, Zbl 1009.00503, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/aa/v13/i3/p229 .
- Gårding, Lars (2009), "Von Neumann with the Devil" (in Russian), Algebra i Analiz 21 (5): 222–226, MR2604570, Zbl pre05806101, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/aa/v21/i5/p222
- Kresin, Gershon; Maz'ya, Vladimir G. (2007), Sharp Real-Part Theorems. A Unified Approach, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1903, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. xvi+140, ISBN 978-3-540-69573-8, MR2298774, Zbl 1117.30001 .
- Lewis, Clive Staples (1991), "Покоритель зари, или Плавание на край света (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)" (in Russian), Хроники Нарнии (The Chronicles of Narnia), Москва: Космополис, pp. 375–482, ISBN 5-7008-0015-2 .
- Lewis, Clive Staples (1991a), "Серебряное кресло (The Silver Chair)" (in Russian), Хроники Нарнии (The Chronicles of Narnia), Москва: Космополис, pp. 483–580, ISBN 5-7008-0015-2 .
- Lewis, Clive Staples (1991b) (in Russian), Письма Баламута (The Screwtape Letters), Москва: Гнозис Прогресс, pp. 432, ISBN 5-01-003665-7 .
- Lindgren, Astrid (2008) (in Russian), Черстин и я (Kerstin and I), Внеклассное чтение, Москва: АСТ: Астрель, pp. 192, ISBN 978-5-17-053236-0 .
- Lindgren, Barbro (2009) (in Russian), Лоранга, Мазарин и Дартаньян (Loranga, Mazarin and D'Artagnan), Москва: Самокат, pp. 144, ISBN 978-5-902326-71-7 .
- Maz'ya, Vladimir G. (1985), Sobolev Spaces, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. xix+486, ISBN 3-540-13589-8, ISBN 0-387-13589-8, MR817985, Zbl 0692.46023
- Maz'ya, V. G.; Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1979), "Traces and extensions of multipliers in the space " (in Russian), Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk 34 (2 (206)): 205–206, MR535721, Zbl 0405.46026, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/umn/v34/i2/p205 .
- Maz'ya, V. G.; Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1985), Theory of multipliers in spaces of differentiable functions, Monographs and Studies in Mathematics, 23, Boston – London – Melbourne: Pitman Publishing Inc., pp. xiii+344, ISBN 0-273-08638-3, MR0785568, Zbl 0645.46031 .
- Maz'ya, Vladimir; Shaposhnikova, Tatyana (1998), Jacques Hadamard, a Universal Mathematician, History of Mathematics, 14, Providence, RI and London: American Mathematical Society and London Mathematical Society, pp. xxv+574, ISBN 0-8218-0841-9, MR1611073, Zbl 0906.01031, http://books.google.com/books?id=F-YN_yOkaNAC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true . There are also two revised and expanded editions: the French translation Maz'ya, Vladimir; Shaposhnikova, Tatyana (January 2005) [1998] (in French), Jacques Hadamard, un mathématicien universel, Sciences & Histoire, Paris: EDP Sciences, pp. 554, ISBN 2-86883-707-7, http://books.google.com/books?id=NhK6LIApE8UC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true , and the (further revised and expanded) Russian translation Мазья, В. Г.; Шапошникова, Т. О. (2008) [1998] (in Russian), Жак Адамар Легенда Математики, Москва: ИздателЬство МЦНМО, pp. 528, ISBN 978-5-94057-083-7, http://biblio.mccme.ru/node/1916
- Maz'ya, Vladimir G.; Shaposhnikova, Tatyana O. (2009), Theory of Sobolev multipliers. With applications to differential and integral operators, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaft, 337, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. xiii+609, ISBN 978-3-540-69490-8, MR2457601, Zbl 1157.46001, http://books.google.com/books?id=QN8uP6Mn0yQC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true .
- Maz'ya, Vladimir G.; Soloviev, Alexander A. (2010), Boundary Integral Equations on Contours with Peaks, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 196, Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. vii+342, ISBN 978-3-0346-0170-2, MR2584276, Zbl 1179.45001, http://books.google.it/books?id=0G8bULNdJ2AC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=true .
- Mikhlin, S. G. (1979), Approximation on a rectangular grid with application to finite element methods and other problems, Mechanics: analysis, 4, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. xi+224, ISBN 90-286-0008-6, MR0545652, Zbl 0466.65053
- Nordqvist, Sven (2009), Механический дед мороз, Петсон и Финдус, Москва: Мир Детства Медиа, pp. 120, ISBN 978-5-9743-0129-2 .
- Polishchuk, E.; Shaposhnikova, T. (1990) (in Russian), Jacques Hadamard. 1865-1963. (Жак Адамар. 1865-1963.), Nauchno-Bibliograficheskaya Literatura (Научно-библиографическая литература), Leningrad: Nauka, pp. 255, ISBN 5-02-024506-2, Zbl 0718.01030 . An earlier biographic work on Jacques Hadamard written by T. Shaposhnikova jointly with E. Polishchuk.
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1986), "Bounded solutions of elliptic equations as multipliers in spaces of differentiable functions" (in Russian), Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov LOMI 149: 165–176, MR0849306, Zbl 0601.35023 .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1986a), Multiplicative properties of solutions of elliptic equations, "Joint sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics and of the Moscow Mathematical Society (ninth meeting, January 20–23, 1986)" (in Russian), Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk 41 (4(250)): 209, http://www.mathnet.ru/php/getFT.phtml?jrnid=rm&paperid=2124&volume=41&year=1986&issue=4&fpage=145&what=fullt&option_lang=eng .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1987), "On solvability of quasilinear elliptic equations in spaces of multipliers" (in Russian), Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Matematika 31 (8): 74–81, MR0917617, Zbl 0701.35041, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/ivm/y1987/i8/p74 .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1987a), "The superposition operator in classes of multipliers of Sobolev spaces" (in Russian), Seminar Analysis 1986–1987: 181–190, MR0941610, Zbl 0647.47043 .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1987b), On nonlinear differential operators in spaces of multipliers, "Joint sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics and of the Moscow Mathematical Society (tenth meeting, 19–22 January 1987)" (in Russian), Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk 42 (4(256)): 158, http://www.mathnet.ru/php/getFT.phtml?jrnid=rm&paperid=2585&volume=42&year=1987&issue=4&fpage=115&what=fullt&option_lang=eng .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1988), On coercivity in Lp of the Neumann problem in a domain with nonsmooth boundary, "Joint sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics and of the Moscow Mathematical Society (eleventh session, 18–21 January 1988)" (in Russian), Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk 42 (4(256)): 181, http://www.mathnet.ru/php/getFT.phtml?jrnid=rm&paperid=1842&volume=43&year=1988&issue=4&fpage=163&what=fullt&option_lang=eng .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1989), "Multipliers in Bessel potential spaces as traces of multipliers in weighted classes" (in Russian), Trudy Tbilisskogo Matematicheskogo Instituta A. Razmadze 88: 59–63, MR1031711, Zbl 0711.42016, http://www.rmi.ge/proceedings/volumes/88.htm .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1989a), "Traces of multipliers in the space of Bessel potentials" (in Russian), Matematicheskie Zametki 46 (3): 100–109, MR1032913, Zbl 0694.46028, http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/mz/v46/i3/p100 .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1989b), "Applications of multipliers in Sobolev spaces to -coercivity of the Neumann problem" (in Russian), Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 305 (4): 786–789, MR0998033, Zbl 0727.35042 .
- Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1995), "On Continuity of Singular Integral Operators in Sobolev Spaces", Mathematica Scandinavica 76: 85–97, MR1345090, Zbl 0845.35145, http://www.mscand.dk/article.php?id=1053 .
- Shaposhnikova, Tatyana (September 2005), "Three high-stakes math exams", The Mathematical Intelligencer 27 (3): 44–46, doi:10.1007/BF02985838, MR2162991, Zbl 1173.01323, http://www.springerlink.com/content/w0934gm403641227/
External links
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Shaposhnikova , Tatyana Olegovna |
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